Monday, June 28, 2010

Schreber('s) Case

Schreber was a successful and highly respected judge until middle age when the onset of his psychosis occurred. He woke up one morning with the thought that he was a transvestite, and the lover of God. They copulated through the nerves, which rose to the sky, went through the clouds, to meet the descending divine rays... He writes in his Mémoires, "Few people have been brought up according to such strict moral principles as I... but as soon as I am alone with God, if I may so express myself, I must continually or at least at certain times, strive to give divine rays the impression of a woman in the height of sexual delight; to achieve this I have to employ all possible means, and have to strain all my intellectual powers and foremost my imagination..."

Says Lacan, I quote: "the term which I translate as Nerve-annexation, and which comes from these messages illustrates this remark insofar as passion and action between these beings are reduced to those annexed or disannexed nerves, but also insofar as these nerves, just like the divine rays with which they are homogeneous, are nothing but the identification of the spoken words they bear: which the voices formulate as, "Do not forget that the nature of the rays is that they must speak."

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